Creative Caregiver Coaching

Creativity Chat

Creative Catalyst

Three coaching calls over an 8-week period with support between calls.

Coaching calls include:

1.     Intention-setting session

2.     Re-connecting with your own creativity through guided media exploration

3.     Curating spaces for creativity with young children

4.     A bonus session on a topic of your choice if you choose to pay upfront

*Office Hours support between calls

*Evergreen access to support materials including signature provocations

Cultivating Creative Practice in Caregiving

Six coaching calls over a 12-week period with support between class and additional support material.

1.     Intention-setting session

2.     Re-connecting with your own creativity through guided media exploration

3.     Curating spaces for creativity with young children

4.     Creating provocations for independent and collaborative creative play

5.     Nourishing your relationship with your child through responsive co-creating

6.     Conversations in creative places (e.g., museums and galleries) with young children

7.     A bonus session of your choice if you choose to pay upfront

* Office Hours support between calls

* Access to a private peer community for support

* Evergreen access to an extended range of support materials including signature starters, provocation tutorials, and museum/gallery guides